Call of duty black ops 2 zombie ranks
Call of duty black ops 2 zombie ranks

call of duty black ops 2 zombie ranks call of duty black ops 2 zombie ranks

The intent was to make the biggest map there was, and boy did that backfire completely the only way to experience the whole of Green Run is through TranZit, but almost as soon as that glorified Survival mode starts, there's problems: pretty much all of the map is covered in that ugly ugly red mist. Green Run is just plain ugly looking for starters, but it goes deeper than that. The main problem, I think, lies in the design of the map. I can definitely see the intention when it came to Green Run's design Treyarch was obviously trying to raise Zombies to the same level as the Campaign and Multiplayer components of Black Ops II, it was all about the scale, making it as involved as possible, as is evident by the many submaps of Green Run and the introduction of new modes.

call of duty black ops 2 zombie ranks

When I say Green Run, I tend to refer to TranZit, as that's the one everyone's familiar with but really, the entirety of the Green Run experience falls short in comparison to what came before, and what follows. This should not be a surprise to any, for it absolutely deserves this position, at least in my opinion, for the following reasons: Starting off is the lowest of the low, worst of the worst, the most disappointing of the all the disappointing, it's Green Run.

Call of duty black ops 2 zombie ranks